The most proficient skills assessment and data analytics tool available for HR, Function Heads and Line Managers
Complimentary to other human assessment methodologies
This site contains confidential proprietary information belonging exclusively to Human Asset Intelligence - HAI LLC. © HAI/Human Asset Intelligence is a trading name owned by Campbell Birch International to develop and market the unique skills profiling system copyright HAI/Suzanne Birch, all rights reserved 1997-2023. HAI/Suzanne Birch holds the US Copyright and IP rights both manual and digital versions of the demonstrated skills profiles. All Rights Reserved to the name HAI/ Human Asset Intelligence and associated document formatting, data analysis and services as described in this document, the dedicated web site and other marketing documentation/marketing projects. No part of this site may be copied or downloaded, or adapted or reproduced, or disclosed to any unauthorized third party, using any medium, without express permission in writing from Suzanne Birch the Founder and CEO of HAI. By entering this site you agree to these terms.